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Finger Drumming Technique For Tinnitus

Perhaps one of the most surprising and simple of the tinnitus home remedies is this technique of finger drumming. For some people it does not work at all, but for others this tinnitus remedy is a...

What Causes Sensorineural Hearing Loss

What Is Sensorineural Hearing Loss Sensorineural hearing loss, one of the most common hearing complaints, can be caused by a number of factors including age, damage to the ear, loud noise and disease...

What Causes Buzzing In Your Ears

What Does this Buzzing Sound Signify? The sound of buzzing in your ears is generally what is called Tinnitus – either that or you have a buzzing insect in your ear! You’re right – this is no...

Middle Ear Infection

Otitis Media Explanation Otitis Media (OM) is a painful middle ear infection that occurs when the area behind the eardrum becomes infected and inflamed. This can lead to a build-up and subsequent...

Famous People Who Have Tinnitus

Popular Artists, Singers, and Historical Figures With Tinnitus There have been (and are still) many famous celebrities with tinnitus. It is a condition that knows no age, sex, popularity, or other...