Popular Artists, Singers, and Historical Figures With Tinnitus
There have been (and are still) many famous celebrities with tinnitus. It is a condition that knows no age, sex, popularity, or other boundaries. So, thinking that it may be of some comfort to those suffering from tinnitus symptoms, I thought I’d compile this short list of famous persons – both living and dead – who suffer from, or have suffered from, this ear-ringing affliction called tinnitus.
In alphabetical order, here is a list of famous actors, singers, and historical figures that may be of some interest to the reader.
Barbara Streisand:
Hugely popular United States actress/musician/television director/screenwriter/composer, Barbara has suffered from tinnitus since early childhood (a testament that it is not just the ‘old folks’ that suffer from this condition). It has not however prevented her from becoming a prolific winner of numerous awards and accolades for her outstanding performances and talents.
Bob Dylan:
An American singer-songwriter famous for the protestation songs of the 1960’s. Like many in the music industry, Bob Dylan developed tinnitus after a lifetime listening and playing, loud music in concerts and venues world-wide.
Charles Darwin:
A world-famous naturalist and geologist famous for his ‘theory of evolution’ (He always said it was only a theory!), is reported to have suffered from quite severe tinnitus for most of his adult life.
Eric Clapton:
This famous English singer/songwriter developed tinnitus after standing too near his 100 watt stacks during concerts. He now suffers from ‘whistling noises’ if he stops and listens during quiet periods of the day.
Gerard Butler:
One of the more famous actors with tinnitus, Gerard Butler was born in Paisley, on the west coast of Scotland, and has had tinnitus from childhood – when surgery was performed to relieve the symptoms. Unfortunately he is still reported to suffer from tinnitus to the present day
Liza Minelli:
This popular Hollywood actress/singer/dancer/choreographer, reportedly claims to have developed tinnitus after her father – excited about her just winning an award for cabaret, screamed with joy in her ear!
Ludwig van Beethoven:
It is reckoned that this world-famous composer developed tinnitus in or around 1796. Although the source of the tinnitus is not known exactly, it could have been from typhus or from his habit of submerging his head in water to stay awake. Water in the inner ear is well-known to develop into an ear infection, which in turn can lead to tinnitus.
Ozzy Osbourne:
Singer-songwriter-television producer-etc, Ozzy came onto the music scene as the lead vocalist with Black Sabbath in the 1970’s. He attributes his tinnitus ( and hearing difficulties) to simply not wearing earplugs during his super-loud performances.
Pete Townsend:
Full name, Peter Dennis Blandford. Pete is a singer/songwriter/instrumentalist made famous as the lead guitarist in ‘The Who.’ Like many in the music industry, his tinnitus and hearing problems developed as a result to exposure to load music (The Who were known for exceeding loud music concerts), and has resulted in a virtual withdrawal from the live concert scene.
Phil Collins:
Full name Philip David Charles, this rock legend from the band Genesis, developed tinnitus and hearing problems as a direct result of loud music performances. This called a halt to his music career in March 2011 following doctors’ advice.
Ronald Reagan:
Perhaps one of the most popular of the US Presidents, Ronald Reagan also suffered from tinnitus. Thought to have started when a pistol was fired close to his ear during his movie/filming career. The condition grew progressively worse as he grew older, prompting him to wear a custom-made, advanced hearing aid.
Roger Daltrey:
As the lead singer with The Who, and along with his colleague Pete Townsend, Roger developed tinnitus as a result of exposure to his own exceptionally loud concerts. In a candid interview with the UK newspaper the Daily Mirror, he revealed that he is now as “Deaf as a post” and frequently checks with hearing specialists regarding his condition.
Steve Martin:
This ‘legend of the screen’ is another famous actor who suffers from tinnitus. As a writer/comedian/actor and all-round talented guy, Steve developed tinnitus after shooting the three amigos in 1986. His way of coping with tinnitus? “You just get used to it – or you go insane!”
William Shatner:
This Canadian actor/TV producer/director was initially made famous (and immediately recognizable) in his early acting career as Captain Kirk, the captain of the Starship Enterprise. William attributes his tinnitus to standing too close to the speakers during the filming of the star trek series. Perhaps as a result of his own experience, Shatner is a vocal promoter of the American Tinnitus Association and the problems faced by tinnitus sufferers.

Real name William Adams, he is perhaps one of the most talked about celebs on the air just now (apart from the Kardashians that is) Will has been open in sharing his tinnitus problem. He has a video on ‘the tube’ where he talks about the impact tinnitus has on him, even to the point where he says he “does not know what silence sounds like anymore.”
Rapper, DJ, TV host, and the leader of The Black Eyed Peas. Music has been and always was his constant companion, and now a way to mask the sounds of tinnitus.
So there you have it – my list of famous celebrities with tinnitus. If you would like to know more about how to deal with tinnitus, then please feel free to browse this site for more tinnitus information, including tinnitus remedies and what causes tinnitus.