Tinnitus But No Hearing Loss?
Tinnitus Terminator post. First of all it must be established that there are many causes of tinnitus without hearing loss of any kind. You can have tinnitus, but no hearing loss – in fact it is often so. However the ringing or buzzing noises associated with tinnitus can make listening to general conversation more difficult, depending on the severity of the condition.
With that in mind, the need for a reliable tinnitus program, remedy, or all-out tinnitus cure seems fairly obvious. According to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Tinnitus is the number 1 disability affectin

g all periods of military service and personnel. However proving a tinnitus VA claim can be a difficult matter.
Statistics reveal that in the United States alone, whilst it can hardly be classed a killer, over 40 million citizens suffer the effects of tinnitus. Many of whom opt for natural treatment or termination methods, rather than surgery or medication.
There are many alternative tinnitus treatment options, such as those offered by James Miller, Janet Stone, or Thomas Coleman for example.
They offer various eradication techniques and are becoming increasingly popular as folks look for the best treatment for tinnitus, or alternatives to medicine or invasive surgery.
A neuromonics system using therapy recordings and cognitive-behavioral instruction is just one of a number of tinnitus and hearing loss products available today offering a remedy for tinnitus.
Indeed, hearing loss – often caused by the tiny hairs within the ear becoming damaged – is not always accompanied by tinnitus, in fact tinnitus without subsequent hearing loss is very common particularly where there is no physical damage involved.
So will these ‘natural’ remedies for tinnitus be effective for you? This I am afraid is a question without an honest answer – at least until a proper medical assessment or review of your condition can be made (which is not in the remit of this site). That said, there are many thousands of folks who can testify to the fact that alternative treatment has indeed worked for them.
The whole purpose of this site is to look at the causes of ringing in the ears, and highlight a selection of natural cures for tinnitus, or ‘tinnitus terminators’, regimes, or programs that are effective in the treatment of tinnitus.
Whining, ringing ears, pulsing, rushing noises in the ears, along with general hearing loss, are just some of the sounds afflicting Tinnitus sufferers. And in order to terminate or treat this condition and stop your ears ringing, then a basic understanding of this affliction is essential.
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What Is Pulsatile Tinnitus
Whilst tinnitus in general could be described as the perception of sound, or more accurately the brains interpretation of silence when there is no audible sound present that anyone except the patient can hear. Pulsatile or somatosensory tinnitus, is a sound that can be heard by an medical examiner and is known as objective tinnitus. These pulsatile tinnitus symptoms usually point to some condition that is causing a blockage in a neck artery.
Unilateral pulsatile tinnitus is commonly associated with a rhythmic or pulsing noise that is most obvious in quiet surroundings; particularly when in bed at night and the quiet surroundings seem to magnify the rushing noise in the ears. This is completely different from the high pitched ringing in ears (or indeed a high pitched ringing in one ear) that many people suffer.
This is generally due to the flow of blood in the large arteries in the neck veins, or the back of the skull or in the smaller blood vessels inside the ear itself. It has to be remembered that tinnitus is not a disease (though it can be caused by disease), but rather a symptom of an underlying problem that has to be approached in an intelligent investigative manner. Noise in the ears can come from a number of different sources and affects individuals in many different ways.
The rhythmical rushing noise associated with this type of Tinnitus, is normally heard pulsing at the same rate as the heartbeat of the individual concerned. This is often checked by testing the pulse of the person and comparing it to their heart-rate.
The symptoms of pulsatile tinnitus can also be experienced if an individual is suddenly made active after a period of prolonged rest. Jumping up after watching a long movie to go and make a coffee for instance, will often lead to a pulsing sensation in the ears.
This eperience can be accompanied by a period of dizziness, and as long as there are no underlying health issues, is usually nothing to worry about. In a few minutes the sensation should pass as the blood thins and is able to pass unhindered through the blood veins once again.
I myself often experience this condition, which usually happens if Isuddenly launch into some major activity before my body is prepared for it – and it’s not just that age is catching up with me – It has happened since my youth – and I’m still here to tell the tale 🙂
What Causes Pulsatile Tinnitus?

· Middle Ear Effusion: Also called Otitis Media With Effusion.This occurs when the middle ear fills with fluid due to an inner ear infection, possibly caused by opportunistic bacteria sometimes picked up at the local swimming baths; and is a common cause of pulsatile Tinnitus. This is usually corrected by a course of anti-biotics, but in some rarer cases may require light surgery if the Eustachian tube has become blocked or damaged.
· Glomus Tumor: This is a tumor that lodges beside or in the ear canal, putting pressure on the blood vessels surrounding the ear. This may be removed by minor surgery in normal conditions.
· Benign Intracranial Hypertension: This is quite common amongst young overweight girls and women, and is due to increased pressure from liquid that surrounds the brain. Apart from pulsatile T symptoms, this can also produce headaches, loss of hearing altogether as well as some visual impairment and dizziness. In the severely overweight, this condition can see great improvement by incorporating a tinnitus-terminator program that involves a good diet or life change, resulting in weight loss and general improved physical condition.
· Twisted Artery: Another common cause of rushing sound in the ears is a twisted artery in the neck leading to a restricted blood flow. This leads to a build-up of pressure as the blood pushes a path through the vein. This can also be caused by a clogged artery that may need minor surgery to put right.
High Blood Pressure: The symptoms of tinnitus are almost always exacerbated by high blood pressure. Thereby increasing the need for an effective Tinnitus Terminator program. High blood pressure itself can be brought on by any number of factors including stress, pressures of business – particularly self employed people incorporating online Consulting programs, hard physical work, medication or even certain foodstuffs.
The general cure for this is to investigate the cause of the high blood pressure to begin with, and then to take steps to reduce the blood pressure and thus stop the symptoms of tinnitus, perhaps via a good tinnitus terminator program..
Earwax: A build-up of earwax in the eardrum can lead to ear-ache and infection problems. If the wax is allowed to build up and harden then it may have to be softened with an infusion of warm water mixed with a little salt, or some other suitable flushing agent. This can be applied effectively by the use of a syringe – without the needle of course!
Is There A Remedy For Tinnitus?
Many people – including famous celebrities with tinnitus – at one time or another suffer from the many symptoms of tinnitus that are out there, and subsequently are looking for a natural cure or tinnitus destroyer for tinnitus.
Apart from 40 million US citizens mentioned earlier, over 500 million people worldwide suffer from tinnitus in one form or another, ringing in the ears being one of the most common along with a rushing noise, buzzing, or even a high pitched whining noise, that can drive people crazy!

Most of the time this noise in the ears is nothing to be particularly alarmed by, and there are many different tinnitus remedies to counter it.
When it comes to an actual ‘cure’ for tinnitus a lot depends on the individual concerned and the root cause for the ringing noise in the ears. Fundamentally however there are many cases where tinnitus can be cured to the extent that it is either eradicated entirely, or is no longer an issue for the person previously suffering from this debilitating condition.
Indeed this’Tinnitus Retraining Program’ has many success stories from users of this effective tinnitus eradicator. Often these testimonies are the decider (along with a good refund policy) when it comes to choosing a reliable T Buster.
Non-invasive Ways to Treat Tinnitus:
Sound therapy – perhaps with the use of a tinnitus masking device, lifestyle change, or capsules available through online sources such as Amazon.The use of holistic natural methods such as CBD oil to counter tinnitus is also growing increasingly popular for those seeking natural ways to cure tinnitus. In fact CBD oil for diabetes sufferers is commonly used to counter the effects of tinnitus and the benefits of hemp oil are discussed here….
However if you are wondering, how do you stop your ears from ringing constantly? Then an actual tinnitus cure or terminator may need a bit more ‘application’ so to speak. Any effective tinnitus treatment course you undertake to stop that buzzing in the ears – even if you try the best treatment for tinnitus – will need the application of one thing – commitment!
Unless of course you do happen to stumble upon a tinnitus quick fix (please let me know if you do!).
Many home remedies to treat tinnitus are in effect ‘non-invasive’ inasmuch as they do not require surgery or other proceedures. For instance the ‘head drumming‘ technique for tinnitus requires no special diet, instruments or proceedures – just a simple drumming on the head using your own fingers to create a staccato sound that can be effective against ringing ear syndrome.
Tinnitus Masking:

Sometimes however it is very difficult to cure the ailment (this is not a disease!) altogether and other ways have to be created to help to deal with hearing problems such as noise in the ears, rather than stopping the noise entirely. This is commonly done by the use of ‘white noise,’ which is in fact discussed further in this website.
Binaural beats therapy is similar in many ways to white noise treatment for tinnitus, and indeed is often included as a part of this tinnitus program.The short story is that Tinnitus of all kinds can sometimes be helped by distracting the brain, and causing it to focus on another noise that the sufferer is able to deal with easier.
This could be the ticking of a clock, or perhaps turning a radio down low, particularly at night to enable you to sleep. This is what is known as a ‘masking device’ and can include many different repetitive or soothing sounds to ‘mask’ or hide the sound you may hear in your head thanks to the tinnitus condition. The sound of running water, or rain bouncing on a tin roof, is a form of tinnitus masking. These are examples of white noise or if you like a ‘good noise,’ as it enables the individual to blank out the noise from their head; and enables them to fall off to sleep as it counters the noise from the pulsatile tinnitus affliction.
Tinnitus Retraining Therapy
TRT or tinnitus retraining therapy is another way of distracting or helping the individual to cope with the noises in the head associated with tinnitus.This is a ‘holistic’ treatment that works on the principle of dealing with rather than curing this condition, through lifestyle changes and physiological understanding of how the mind works.
In other words followers of TRT believe that the mind can be retrained to ignore noises in the head to such an extent that it is an effective ‘cure’ for tinnitus sufferers. This treatment needs no surgery, or chemical medication, as it is indeed based on a retraining program where the individual themselves effectively works a cure or remedy for their condition.
It is also worth bearing in mind that natural treatments for tinnitus, that involve lifestyle changes and not medication as such, can often be very effective in battling, or indeed terminating, this persistent ‘noisy ear’ problem.
If you are looking for a tinnitus terminator sound therapy, then the Tinnitus Retrain System is an example of this retraining therapy, which also includes a whole new course on Binaural Sound treatment which has been proved to be very effective in the treatment of tinnitus in general.
Tinnitus Terminator Programs
Treatment or tinnitus remedies are available through many different courses that offer possible solutions or remedies to abolish your tinnitus problem. There are many such courses or ‘T’ exterminators available on the ‘net’ today offering ‘miracle cures’ for T sufferers, however the most effective and convincing ways to eliminate ringing ears, or to effectively destroy tinnitus I have found, all take an holistic or homeopathic regime to conquer tinnitus without the use of chemical medications.
This involves a lifestyle and/or circumstance change – perhaps even a better understanding of habituation techniques, auditory discrimination training, or ‘retraining’ – of the individual concerned, in order to bring about a solution to ringing in the ears, buzzing, or whining ears.
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