How to get rid of tinnitus or getting to grips with and effectively taking control over tinnitus, is a process that changes from individual to individual.
This is because the root cause of tinnitus differs between tinnitus sufferers.
Ringing in the ears can be caused by a number of factors, and the effects differ according to gender (men over 55 are most susceptible), or lifestyle of life-choices.
Work related tinnitus is the biggest cause of this ailment – no it is not a disease – though it can effectively be caused or triggered by various medical conditions.
So Where Do You Start with Tinnitus control?
First of all establish whether you have subjective ( the perception of sound in the ears when there is no cause present – heard only by the patient) or objective (An audible sound that can often be heard by a medical examiner) tinnitus.
Subjective tinnitus is by far the most common form.
Once the root cause has been established – if not already known. For instance, working amongst noisy machinery all day will most likely lead to ringing ears – it is then possible to make an educated decision regarding the treatment regime that will suit you best.
A change of diet or medication (consult your doctor before any such change is made) Basic medication such as aspirin can result in tinnitus.
Too much salt in your diet is not only bad for you, but can also result in ears ringing.
You can find more foods that may cause tinnitus here…
Can Tinnitus Be Cured?
This is a question that often results in ‘more heat than light’ as many folks get very uptight about it. The general (wrong in my opinion) opinion is that it cannot be cured. This is a stand that many ‘professionals’ take, whilst at the same time many peddle tablets, potions, and lotions that will allegedly relieve the symptoms.
My own view and that of many others I would add is simple and to-the-point.
If you can find the root cause – admittedly this is not always easy or indeed possible – then you can do something about it.
Often the cure is simple. Stop working noisy machinery without wearing ear protectors.
Stop playing excessively loud music through your earphones.
In short – protect your ears from excessive noise.
If medication is the root cause then taking control of your tinnitus, may mean a visit to the doctors to try for a different prescription.
Perhaps you have an ear infection, or another medical condition that can easily be treated.
Home made remedies for tinnitus can be extremely effective – and cheap! Definately worth a try-out.
Pulsatile tinnitus – a rushing noise in the ears – is often caused by an obstruction in the small veins in the neck struggling to cope with the blood supply needed for a given situation. A visit to your medical practitioner could ascertain just what the problem is.
Bottom line – all these situations can lead to tinnitus that CAN be cured if the proper steps are taken to change or remedy the current condition.
What If There Is No Obvious Cause For Tinnitus Symptoms

This is perhaps the most important question – and not so easy to answer.
Noise-induced tinnitus for example, is often experienced by members or ex-members of the military.
In this case the damage to the ears has already been done you may well argue – and you could be right!
However, this does not mean that there is nothing that can be done about it. Promoting hearing health is a well-recognised way to treat this condition.
By re-training your brain, you can effectively learn to ignore the sound of tinnitus to such an extent that it is no longer an issue. The noise may still be there – but you effectively no longer hear it.
How is this possible? The sounds related to subjective tinnitus are not actually ‘heard’ at all. It is not a sound as such.
Tinnitus is best described as the way your brain interprets silence. If you can retrain your brain to properly interpret silence, then tinnitus is defeated.
Taking control of tinnitus can mean different things to different people. But in effect the desire of anyone with this condition is simply to get rid of it.
Controlling tinnitus can mean removing it completely (the best option), or even bringing it down to a manageable level.
The fact remains that as long as an individual is convinced that tinnitus cannot be cured, then it will not be – for them! In order to effect a cure for tinnitus you must first of all believe that it can be done – exercise a little faith if you will.
The person who truly believes that there is no cure for tinnitus will simply not try anything, in which case it is a foregone conclusion that they will never be cured.
Conversely the individual that is prepared to do some investigation, and is prepared to ‘go the extra mile’ may well find the proper treatment and in turn effect a cure for their tinnitus.
Tinnitus can be an extremely debilitating condition, in some extreme cases even leading to thoughts of suicide as despair takes control over hope.
However as discussed, a cure for tinnitus may simply mean a change of diet, lifestyle, or a simple medical procedure.
Don’t listen to the nay-sayers who insist it cannot be cured – there are many thousands who no longer have tinnitus who would say otherwise!