What Does this Buzzing Sound Signify?
The sound of buzzing in your ears is generally what is called Tinnitus – either that or you have a buzzing insect in your ear! You’re right – this is no laughing matter, and indeed many people are made thoroughly miserable by this condition (it is not a disease – though it can be caused by one).
What Causes My ears To Buzz?

There are many reasons, or potential reasons for this condition, as over 500 million people world-wide can testify – 60 million in the United States alone – who have to seek treatment for their tinnitus condition. Although we call it ‘buzzing’ in this article, the sounds associated with tinnitus vary. These sounds include…
- Buzzing in the ears
- High pitched whining or whistling sound
- Pulsing or rushing noise in the ear drum
- Clicking or snapping sounds
- Hissing background noise similar to the TV when the program ends at night (or used to end!)
- Sound like a motor running in the distance – similar to the sounds a fridge may make.
Tinnitus Causes Include…
- Ear infection
- Ear Wax build up (could be a sign of ear infection)
- Loud noise over 85 Db
- Noise in the workplace
- Injury to the ear or head
- High blood pressure
- Kinked or partially blocked vein in the neck. This is particularly true with Pulsatile tinnitus

How To Avoid Buzzing Ears:
This is not as simple as it may first seem, for in order to stop tinnitus you first of all have to diagnose and target the root cause. This is not always possible, but nevertheless essential if you are to choose the proper effective tinnitus treatment.
In the spirit that “Prevention is better than the cure” it helps to get an understanding of tinnitus in general and the root causes as listed above – though this is by no means a definitive guide to tinnitus causes. However it will do for the sake of this brief article.
First of all it has to be understood that as mentioned earlier, tinnitus is not a disease as such, but rather a ‘condition’. By this we mean that there are certain factors that cause this ringing in the ears, such as the ones listed above.
To be clear. A medical condition or disease can and does cause tinnitus – for instance the common cold can cause sinus problems that may lead to ringing ears, as can many other diseases or viral infections. The ringing ears in fact can be the symptom of a disease or medical ailment – as well as many other factors such as diet or lifestyle that may also play a part.
Depending on the source, avoiding the noise in your ears is something that may in fact be out of your control – at least the conditions that caused it in the first place may be. However even though the initial cause may have been unavoidable – that is by no means an indication that tinnitus cannot be cured as some would (mistakenly in our opinion) say.
4 Steps To Cure Tinnitus
- Find out the root cause of the ringing ears. This could mean a visit to the doctors to determine if there are any medical conditions existing in your body that is causing the problem. This could reveal damage of the ear drum or viral infection or perhaps in the case of pulsatile tinnitus, a twisted or partially blocked vein in the neck. It could even be attributable to Meniere’s disease.
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f your body is not showing obvious signs of damage, especially in the ear department, then listen to the doctors’ advice – if they have any! Often the medical profession will simply say “Learn to live with it” if they find no obvious cause. This was perhaps the advice given to Steve Martin who when asked how he copes with tinnitus replied that you just had to get used to it.
- The final step is the treatment regime itself. This could be a treatment aimed at changing your diet, wearing good earplugs to restrict loud noise (a common root cause of tinnitus) social activities, work/play conditions, or indeed a combination of all of the above. The fact is that because of the diverse nature of tinnitus itself, there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ cure for this condition. What may work well for some individuals will perhaps have no benefits for others? The ‘secret’ is to find out what works for you! For some this may be binaural treatment (sound therapy for tinnitus) and for others it may be a holistic lifestyle change. If an existing medical condition is the root cause then a medical procedure or even a dose of anti-biotics may clear up the tinnitus.
- Try a good tinnitus therapy such as that offered by the ‘Tinnitus Miracle’ program. This is based on the principle of diet and lifestyle change to effectively control tinnitus.
- The noise associated with tinnitus is actually not a sound in your ears at all (with the exception of pulsatile tinnitus) but rather it is your brains interpretation of silence. This ear health formula offers a solution that can work wonders!
So there you have it in a nut-shell – what causes buzzing in your ears could have a simple answer – such as an ear infection – or perhaps a build-up of ear wax that can be removed simply with the application of a warm oil such as CBD hemp oil Available Here. Or it could be a lot more complex and related to a distant event in the past. For instance Liza Minelli is thought to have developed tinnitus as a result of her own father screaming in her ear with excitement after she won an award – tinnitus was one ‘prize’ she hadn’t anticipated!
The bottom line is that in order to effect a cure for tinnitus, then the root cause of the ailment has to be investigated before a beneficial treatment for buzzing in the ears can be effectively applied.